Again i'm back, back to my place,
Fast, pacy,lively as ever, it is
But there seems a conspicous unrest
a race, an unending race to say
has engulfed it's serenity.
Monotonous in spirit,
Azoic in conduct.
As i moved on, i saw
A docile ricksaw being bullied by a contumacious benz,
A meagre scooter being abused by a massive lorry,
A miserable hawker getting slapped by a mighty cop.
A hooligan mob or a bunch of rowdies???
I couldn't decide.
Can't we just rest for a while,
Take a deep breath
Hold our hands,listen to each other.
Make way for each other, be polite
and cross the bumpy road...
Turn off all the engines,
Put the lights off
Let the corner tree breathe for a while
and the road unwrinkle itself.
liberate morality from mindless fanaticism.
Let the red be red
and the blue be blue......
Am i advocating Inactivity?
I don't think so..
I just want us to be our trueself
Let us be complementary
rather than being competitive..
give space to our contemperories
we can take a cue from nature.
Always still, silent but progressive
Each bird, each leaf and each husk,
Betting for each other..
Let us be the same........
I may be asking for too much, or
I may sound irrational, non-progressive,or
you can say i am a dreamer, but
As a poet , this is what i do..
I dream.
Let us all share this dream and
Move forward....
I have taken the first step,
How far behind are you?
Hurry up !!!
I am Waiting.....................