In the dream last night,
the heavens told me in all their might
that this is the day i am gonna die.
after which it is all bye bye...
I woke up on time,
With spirits fine...
thinking that whatever happens,i'll make most of this day,
to those whom i have given anguish,i'll give some hay
I went for the morning walk..
i kissed every flower on my path..
bidding the birds ,the puppys and the wet grass a last goodbye,
I thought god! why it is me only??? why ?
Then i went to my neighbouring uncle mr sharma,
whose window panes had to suffer a lot of our "cricketing trauma"
I apologised and he forgave me for everything,
honestly it was mighty relieving.
But there is one place that i never want to leave..
and that is of course,my school
where my soul lies, i believe
i told my friends to forgive me for my mistakes,
enemies to bury old grudges,
And apologised to teachers giving them some solace.
finally,i didn't have courage to tell my mother,
so i scribbled down everything on a piece of paper,
"Mom i love you the most,
you are the best thing that god ever gave me
mamma ,for all my mistakes forgive me
i have never given you enough but thanks for all you have given
Death can never scare me because as you say,
i am your brave son!
I don't know what the almighty has for me ,"hell" or "heaven"..
i don't care about hell but if there is a slight chance of heaven,
Then let him give me back to you ,
because for me...
you are my heaven.
you are my heaven""....
I kept the paper under my pillow and waited for the last fight
between life and death
i knew death had to win
but i wasn't afraid rather there was a satisfaction inside.
because atleast i got the chance to correct my mistakes and die with pride.
and then i didn't know when i fell asleep
as i woke up,i was not in some hell or heaven but in my bed sheet.
I was amazed to see me alive
it was just a dream and nothing live...
but it taught me a lesson
If you want to get the taste of life
live everyday as the final day of your life.......
and all your problems will soon flow away
believe me it's a meagre price to pay
you will see that you will always fly in the happy sky,
that's the reason why i say the happiest day in my life would be
the day i die
the day i die.................
this is really awsome
actully yesterday i didnt read this although i had seen it because i wanted to read this poem on this occassion
really it is facinating
and i feel its the of all that i have ever read in my life
really i dont have words to express its beautifulness.
keep writing like this
and once again
thought is realy good but you need
to concentrate more on life than death guess who i am
thought is realy good but you need
to concentrate more on life than death guess who i am
keep writing..
all the very best
innocent and pure is every bit of this poem...
every word is a carrier of genuine feelings !!!
seems like u have taken ur heart out as poetry
ya a gud one........ keeps one eager till da end........
gud imagination buddy!!!!!!!
Hey that one really very good, awesome.
i can't express in word that how much i liked this one as i am not a poet like u.
Keep writing like this.
Katyayan ,I have always been a great follower of your wrinting.And trust me you never pissed me off on this.
I love all the stuff.Buddy you are great
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