3 feet to the left, 2 n a half feet to right,
we sit in a formation which is often tight.
some call us the "mine of adventures;but
proudly we call us "THE Back benchers"
Through the windows by the side, we scan.
the practical world outside, as much as we can.
u know, that's the best way to confront.
the crooked mindsets sitting in the front.
In this jungle of grades n marks,
who cares for our "genius sparks";so
we lose the "theory-sheep" to the hazy glasses in front.
n when the "exam-lion" comes ,we r ready for the hunt.
In a class of barely fifty seven.
Virtually a carnival lies at desk no. 'seven'.
The munch before the lunch;or
peanuts, cookies n wafer crunch.
paper missiles,the chalkguns n pen fight,
surely is a testimony to our Army's might.
poems , the pranks n confessions galore,
scripted on the benches are a treat for sure.
mind u,we've sacrificed a lot in order to do so.
we are no less than the great "ROBINSON CRUSOE''.
we've been ill treated off late.
humiliated,disgraced n defamed till date.
neither given importance nor our due,
have accomplices n sympathizers few.
still we take everything with a pinch of salt ;n
make sure our movement never comes to halt.
Also, we never let ourselves to come class late,
Either we come early or return back from gate.
it's understandeble who doesn't want to beat,
the backseat boys for the "coveted seat"
Actually, we lead from the back.
try to put everyone back on track.
those who have left us on the journey to the front.
If u r reading dis, you are always welcome back.
Time may come or go.
wind may stop or blow.
still for me,the time will definitely stand still .
when i come back to this memory lane and i will.
with tears of joy,i wud say this is where i lost my heaven.
when i see myself right there at the back on desk no. "seven"
welll katy...yet another master piece from u...
ths reminds me our school days...really i miss does days...
well nw coming back to poem... its simplt really good one from you...nw i feel tht u hav become an all time poet...
seriously....from past few poem ths is the one that can be easily understand else ur last few poem were too tough for me to understand....
Really lyked ur poem...
hii katy it seems tht u havnt seen my comment yet....
well no problem take ur time...i m just want to tell u tht plzz add those poem tht u hav removed from the blog...
its a humble request of one of ur poem's fan....
n dont take tht in a wrong way...plzz add those poems also.....
Writing the poem is one thing, writing a poem on an unusual topic is another. and you seem to have mastered the art.
Well, I personally have never really been a backbencher, most of life. I mean I have really been forced to sit on the last bench but never volunteered to do that. In fact in college I have been always right on teacher's face. Facing the demon face-to-face!
And yes you definitely have a bad impression sitting at bench no 'seven' So i always preferred bench no.s '1-4'. But since I also have had my own share of sitting 'front from the last'. And its a feeling in its own right. You like it when people at the front have to turn their faces in order to hear you!
People view you with suspicion. But you can find the real talent right at the back only (If only teachers could understand this).
Now I have question to ask. What's this "[B]" doing in the title?
Did you ever (as Sri says) posted any poem that you removed later on? Why?
thanks for giving it a thought..n i'm glad that u luved..but i don't think that there exist terms like "part-time poet" or "full-time poet"..i mean a poet is a poet...let me tell u there is still a lot to be done n i hope with support of ppl like u ..things will b gud in future.
well, i feel sorry for u that u r still not the part of backbench revolution. try sitting at the back on day n u wud luv it for sure.. at least, the demons wud then luk at the back..hehehe
about the bracket , i knew u wud notice it ..infact i wondered why nobody asked dat??anyway, it has a strange logic to it..while posting it on a community related to poems, i wanted to give the word "backbencher" a bold luk..so i put the bracket n 'B' in side but it seems it doesn't work in the subject line ..so, it remained as it was...butsince it luked gud n a bit different ,i kept it for all the posts...wottsay??
about some extra poems...well they do exist but i think they are too personal to post here
Hey i mean to say from 'the all time poet' tht ur writng skills as a poet has become exceptionally gud.
N as ravi said tht writing a poem is one thng while writing on a
Unusual topic is the other.
N writing tht unusual one in such a gud way where ech n every word justifies its presence is anothr a great talent.
N i was talkng about the poems tht u removed from the blog after postng due to any reason n talkng abt ur personal ones then my dear frnd ths blog is being read by ur frnds only however stil its ur choice wat u want to post on UR BLOG....
That was mare a request frm me nthng else...
well, ur request is well taken srijan..just wait.
let the right time come n i'll post then here.
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